
Alternative route to Gąski Alternative route to Gąski

  • Distance: 43.7 km
  • Duration: 2 h 41 min
  • Difficulty: average
  • Sum of ascentings: 155 m
  • Sum of descentings: 156 m

Today, we present an alternative route to Gąski! It is no secret that this is a proposal aimed at tourists coming for a holiday in seaside resorts near Koszalin (Mielno, Sarbinowo, Gąski). But we hope that it will also prove attractive to all of you who are planning to go to the seaside along lesser known and less frequented roads. This will make the journey to Gąski much more interesting and varied.

The route passes through picturesque countryside - numerous fields and meadows, along roads with minimal traffic, allowing you to take in the beauty of nature and enjoy a peaceful ride. The section from Gąski to Będzino leads along asphalt roads that later turn into dirt and gravel roads, so it is not suitable for road bikes. Instead, it will be an ideal option for mountain or trekking bike enthusiasts.

distance (km) altitude above sea level

Places on the route